Il Team-TETIS Institute Srl

TETIS Institute Srl

Our Team

CEO and founder
Adriana Del Borghi is Vice-Chancellor for Sustainability at the University of Genoa and Vice-Director of the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering. She is Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering, delegate for the International climate negotiations at the UNFCCC Conference of Parties COP and member of the Technical Commission of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)/Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) at the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security. She also acted as board member in large public companies since 2017. 
CEO and founder
Michela Gallo is the Director of the Interuniversity Centre for the development of Products Sustainability (CESISP). She is Associate Professor in Environmental Engineering, professor of “polluted sites remediation and solid waste management” and “mitigation and adaptation to climate change at the University of Genoa. She is delegate of the University of Genoa for the International climate negotiations at the UNFCCC Conference of Parties COP and member of international boards: AE/DOE FORUM of UNFCCC, IEA within the 57th WPFF Meeting on “International Concerted Action on CCS for the G8. 
Researchers and academics
Our team of consultants are researchers and academics. They are environmental engineers, civil engineers, marine scientists, chemists, data scientists, and more.
Our team is trained both internationally and locally, so they understand your needs and the environment in which you do business towards sustainability.